Molokai Middle School


The After School Program developed at Molokai Middle School with the support of the R.E.A.C.H. Initiative funding has extended student learning opportunities into extracurricular areas, normally not provided for a school with their existing budget, such as: the arts, performing arts, music, sports, and multi-media technology. Each of these activities allow students to explore different interests, while encouraging family and community involvement. Continued R.E.A.C.H. Initiative funding of $30,000 to Molokai Middle School has since provided programs such as: Reach Out Study Hall, which provides support for students who are considered “at risk” for academic achievement; Bridges: Engineering Class, where students may explore the field of engineering by competing in state wide competitions; Building Success: College and Career Readiness, giving students the opportunity to develop interview and business skills; Cultural Stewardship, in partnership with the Molokai Land Trust, students can learn about restoration and preservation of the community land preserve in Mokio, as well as learn how to video, edit and produce a documentary showcasing their learning; Molokai Legends, where students can interpret Molokai legend through drawing and painting, playwriting, dancing, singing/chanting and acting; Slam Poetry, in which students can experience the creative process of poetry writing, performance, and the development of presentation skills that will carry into adulthood; and the Cheerleading/ Pep Squad, allowing students to be active, build fitness and develop a knowledge of nutrition and wellness.